The main testing period of school leaving exam for the upper secondary education (ISCED 3) in the academic year 2018/2019 will take place between 12.3 - 15.3.2019.
The alternative testing period will take place between 9.4. - 12.4.2019.
The re-evaluation period will take place between 3.9 - 6.9.2019.
Basic information
Maturita is a school leaving exam for the upper secondary education (ISCED 3) and it is obligatory for all students of secondary grammar schools, schools of art and vocational schools. Every student is given Maturita Certificate after passing the exam.
School leaving exam consists of two parts – external and internal while in case of foreign and national languages the internal part is divided into written and oral form. Internal part of every subject is obligatory for all students. External part is obligatory for all students only in foreign languages, Slovak language or Hungarian language and Mathematics.
The written form of the internal part means an essay to be written in mother and/or foreign language. The essay themes are announced by NUCEM.
Each school in cooperation with the regional school authority provides the oral form of the internal part of school leaving examination.
School leaving exam is an objective tool for measuring knowledge, skills and general competence of secondary school graduates. School leaving certificate - Maturita Certificate, has a special importance for students, it tells them about their ability to continue in their future careers.
The aim of the external part and internal written part of Maturita is to verify and assess the knowledge and skills of secondary school graduates, which is not possible to verify in the internal oral part sufficiently. Skills and core competencies such as listening comprehension (in foreign languages), reading comprehension, grammar in context etc. are tested. Tests in Mathematics not only verify the knowledge and skills of students but they are also aimed at mathematical literacy.
The structure and content of school leaving exam is based on the Goal Standards for students taking school leaving exam, which can be found in the section Documents. The Goal Standards for students of different school subjects are created and updated by National Institute of Education.